Ms Petra Buchanan is the Acting Chair of the Board of AMPCo. Ms Buchanan is a business leader with a history of Chief Executive and C-Suite roles across commercial and not-for-profit sectors in Australia and internationally. Some of her roles include former Chief Executive Officer of the McGrath Foundation, and CEO of industry body ASTRA, co-founder of digital start-up TuShare and an executive with Unisys in Asia Pacific and the Discovery Channel internationally. Ms Buchanan was named as one of the Australian Financial Review’s 100 Women of Influence and was awarded the B&T Women in Media Award for Mentoring. She inspires individuals and organisations to excel and is a passionate advocate for leadership and management excellence. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Riverside, USA, in political science with minors in journalism and ethnic studies and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Dr Gary Speck joined the board of AMPCo in July 2018. Dr Speck is also a director of AMA Ltd and chairs the investment committee. He is a practising orthopaedic surgeon with appointments in a public hospital and a busy private practice, with active involvement in teaching at postgraduate level and is Deputy Chair of the R.A.C.S. medicolegal section. He has been active in professional associations with executive and leadership roles with the AMA, RACS, Australian Orthopaedic Association, Council of Procedural Specialists and the Spine Society of Australia. Dr Speck is a peer reviewer for SICOT(Societe Internationale de Chirurgie Orthoppedique et de Traumatologie) since 2007, and a regular contributor to international meetings. Dr Speck has undertaken regular and advanced courses with the AICD gaining a GAICD. From July 2016 he has chaired Medical Indemnity Protection Society (MIPS) and is a director of MIPS insurance Ltd. In 2012 he was a foundation member of the Health Innovation and Reform Council, Department of Health (Government of Victoria), 2012-2015; Chair of the Standing Committee on Health Quality, Safety and Outcomes, 2012-2015, advising David Davis the Health Minister and achieving changes in pay for performance and unplanned readmissions. Most recently he chaired a panel responsible for the introduction of a Victorian legislated new assessment system for traffic injury spinal impairment in 2016.
Assoc Prof Andrew C Miller AM joined the AMPCo Board in August 2024. He is also the current Chair of the AMA Board. In the past, he has served on the AMA-ACT board as Director, Treasurer and President; and on the AMA Federal Council, including as Chair. He continues to chair the Fees Committee. He was awarded Fellowship of the AMA in 2019.
Andrew is a Dermatologist in Canberra, where he is Department Head for the Department of Dermatology at Canberra Health Services, as well as working in private practice. He has had a long commitment to rural health, and conducts outreach clinics in Batemans Bay on the NSW South Coast, and at Young on the NSW South West Slopes. He is actively involved in undergraduate teaching at the Australian National University; and in prevocational teaching of JRMOs at Canberra Health Services. He is a Clinical Supervisor for the Australasian College of Dermatologists training programme. He is a past President of the ACD, and still serves on the Rural Services Committee amongst others.
Andrew is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and has a strong interest in governance and policy, as well as abiding interests in workforce planning and health financing.
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